Another year, another move, another part of the country. And while the new apartment has fewer square feet, more of those feet are dedicated to closet space so all my toys and books have come home to roost. It's a good feeling. Over the past month I've been unpacking, inventorying, and assessing damage. In the big scheme of things the damage is minimal. I lost no books to Hurricane Sandy--and it was a very real possibility as our storage unit was barely 200 feet from the sea coast. Two moves by... 'professionals' resulted in just a few broken swords, detached shields and debased figures. Of course, I haven't unpacked everything yet so there's still a chance to discover a disaster, but the prognosis is good.
I tried, I really tried, to get into "Spartacus" series on cable TV. I watched the first four episodes and decided it was not worth the effort--especially after watching the original Kirk Douglas movie. Nevertheless, it reawakened my interest and then a number of posts on the 'Lead Adventurers Forum' motivated me to dig out my small scale figures.So, without further ado, here are my 25mm gladiators. Now to see what it takes to tweak my rules for solo play.
Glad the Gladiators and your stuff has survived the latest move!
Great to hear from you, CraigSpiel! Having my toys back is almost as good as spending time with gaming buddies. But not quite!