Saturday, November 20, 2021

Ares in the house of war...

My gouache experiment left me a bit flat and unmotivated. In addition, the 'main' project on the painting desk (32 plastic hoplites) doesn't provide much inspiration either. So, I needed to complete something to regain my painting momentum. 

I don't know where the inspiration came from but I dug out some 28mm Trojan War figures I've been hoarding away forever. The Iliad has been a long term plan for me including representing the various gods and goddesses with larger figures. In fact, the old Ral Partha Titan has always struck me as appropriate for Ares, the god of war. And, there he was, with an old paint job on an unfinished base. Inspiration hit!

A little shot of mojo goes a long way. Now I've got 20 partially finished Trojan war figures on the painting desk awaiting shields and basing. And... they inspire me!

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